The Health Check was held.

The medical examination van came to the school and conducted health checkups. This time, a total of 126 people, including 117 students, mostly those enrolled in April, and 9 faculty and staff members, took the exam. As many of the students were receiving a medical checkup in Japan for the first time, it took some …

The Health Check was held. Read More »

The Tanabata Festival was held.

We held the Tanabata Festival. Write your wish on a strip of paper and decorate it on bamboo leaves. I thought it was great that everyone’s wishes were very honest and that they could put their wishes into words as they were. May everyone’s wishes come true.

Traffic safety class was held.

We held a traffic safety class for 78 students who enrolled in April this year. Police officers and instructors from the Traffic Safety Association came to talk about traffic rules for bicycles. All new students, let’s follow the traffic rules and ride a bicycle.

Entrance ceremony was held.

The entrance ceremony for the April class (73rd class) was held at Mellow Plaza in Fukuroi City. The number of new students this time is 79. There were 78 international students and 1 student living in Japan. Please do your best to study Japanese in order to make your Mr./Ms. “dream” come true.

Graduation Ceremony was held.

The Reiwa 5th Graduation Ceremony was held at Mellow Plaza. 120 students who enrolled in the spring and fall of 2022 have graduated and completed their studies. When they entered the school, there were restrictions on events due to the coronavirus pandemic, but they were eager to study Japanese. We are rooting for each student’s …

Graduation Ceremony was held. Read More »

A bowling tournament was held.

We held a bowling tournament at the Kakegawa Grand Bowl. Bowling with a total of 182 people is very lively. When a strike or spare comes out, there is a loud cheer and everyone high-fives. At the award ceremony, every time the individual or group with the highest score was announced, they were overjoyed and …

A bowling tournament was held. Read More »

A speech presentation was held.

A speech presentation was held at Mellow Plaza. Nine students representing each class came forward to present their thoughts. We were overwhelmed by their crisp and powerful speech, and our heart trembled. What kind of experiences did students have when they came to Japan, and what do they feel? It was a wonderful presentation that …

A speech presentation was held. Read More »

A school trip was held.

A school trip was held. We went around Ryutanji Temple and Kiga Sekisho, ate a buffet at the hotel, went to the flower park and went strawberry picking, and then came back. Now that the coronavirus is over, we can finally go on a group trip. Even though it was cold, we were happy to …

A school trip was held. Read More »